
Vagrant Box Shortcuts

If you are using the Vagrant Installation there are a couple of shortcuts to make your life easier:

  • Alias t:

    ~4 dj test -x --logging-clear-handlers --with-nicedots'
  • Alias td

    ~$ FORCE_DB=True t --noinput
  • Alias tf:

    ~$ dj test --logging-clear-handlers --with-nicedots --failed
  • Alias tp:

    ~$ tp='t --pdb --pdb-failure'

Test Coverage

You can combine nose testing with the coverage module to get the code coverage of the tests. To get a coverage report for the ‘users’ package run:

dj test -x --logging-clear-handlers --with-coverage --cover-package=users

You can request to cover multiple packages in one run:

dj test -x --logging-clear-handlers --with-coverage --cover-package=users,phonebook